17 Haziran 2013 Pazartesi


Sorry that I'm not sharing colorful and happy photos but you know the situation in Turkey. Our days are dark and smoky. We are trying to find hope and some light. First it was only about trees, but with the police violence everything changed. I'm sure most of you are know Turkey as a islamic country, but we were founded secular and grew up in a culture that was tolerant to differences. Now we are being pitted against each other based on our lifestyle, heritage or religious beliefs. We want our freedom back. Age, religion, gender or education are not important anymore, all people on the streets are protesting. We are students, mothers, fathers, children, teachers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, artists..... we are the public! Our prime minister called us "Çapulcu" -looters- but we changed now the meaning of this word. Chapulling is for us "fighting for your rights" :) After the water cannons and tear gas attacks the police arrested lawyers in Istanbul Courthouse and doctors who treated the wounded protesters. And yesterday night.... police attacked first Gezi Park and then a famous hotel that opened its doors to protestors running away from brutality. There were many wounded, kids, mothers and old people inside of the hotel.
I hope everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end... ;)

*Türkiye artık sisli, karanlık ve gözyaşlarıyla dolu. Dün yaşananlar tam bir vahşet, yapılanlar insanlıktan çok uzak. Bizler güzel yarınlar için el ele tutuşmuştuk. İlk kez karşımızdaki tüm insanları kardeşimiz olarak gördük ve omuz omuza inandığımız değerler için birbirimize kenetlendik. Daha dün sabah Gezi'den geçerken yardımlaşmalara, dostluklara defalarca şahit oldum. Yağmur geleceği için sadece kendi çadırını değil muşambasının alabileceği kadar çadırı örtmeye çalışanlar, "bizde fazla bir bataniye vardı aşağıdaki üşüyen adama verelim" diyenler, gaz bombalarından dolayı hala yarı baygın yatan bir köpeği tedavi etmek için uğraşanlar, siz suyu buradaki insanlara nasıl bu kadar pahalıya satarsınız diye isyan eden adamı sakinleştirenler.... Gezi Parkı aslında hayal ettiğimiz dünyanın ufak bir yansımasıydı. Artık boşaltıldı...ama birlik ve beraberlik devam ediyor; hemde her geçen gün artarak, daha da güçlenerek. Güzel yarınlara ....

The police arrested doctors and...
lawyers who were supporting occupygezi movement.


No gas, more trees
Animals after the gas bombs :(


Girls graffiti: Protesters are very handsome :)
Free food corner in Gezi Park

3 yorum:

The Dainty Dolls House dedi ki...

I hope peace comes soon...poor animals! Hugs to you doll xx

Adsız dedi ki...

Bu sıkıntılı günler dilerim bizi güzel günlere taşıyacak, sabır...

Larissa dedi ki...

Thanks for sharing this! I am following the news everyday and found some people from Istanbul on instagram that I followed to be even closer to the happenings. There were a few demonstrations in Germany too, to support you guys! There are posters all over my city saying that we a supporting you, if not with our bodys, at least with our hearts.
It makes me so sad to see what is happening and what E. is doing and I really hope everything will turn out good! I am thinking about you and all the others in Turkey every day!
All the best!